Ruby in Fuchsite
Ruby in Fuchsite or Zoisite
Ruby in fuchsite is a pretty combination gemstone with ruby scattered through it. Although not all fuchsite has ruby in it. When it does, it's pretty amazing. Fuchsite is also very soft. You can pick at it with a needle and flake off bits of it. So be careful where and how you store pieces made with it. The ruby in this gemstone on the other hand is quite hard.
The colors you see in this stone are the soft yellow green of the fuchsite, ruby, and an alteration rim made of blue-green kyanite around the ruby. I don't know what the soft cream and yellow colored parts of the stone are made of. Maybe fuchsite with less of the chromium that turns it green. I"m not sure.
It is far prettier than the stone it's often mistaken for, ruby in zoisite. In my opinion.
Ruby in zoisite swaps the fuchsite for zoisite. It's a darker green and there is no alteration rim surrounding the ruby. It also has black crystals scattered throughout the stone.
To me they are very easy to tell apart. It's the name that attaches to each configuration that sometimes escapes me. Ruby in fuchsite.
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